David McCobb is a biologist and retired professor of Neurobiology and Behavior at Cornell University. Professionally, Dr. McCobb is interested in the cellular basis of behavior, particularly the role of intrinsic electrical excitability of neural and endocrine cells in integrating information and controlling plasticity of the system, including memory formation, neural plasticity, and development. His research focused on stress- and steroid-related regulation of function and expression of key proteins in excitability known as ion channels. He has taught Intro neuroscience, cellular and electrical neurophysiology, a course on “Molecules of Social Behavior and Emotion”, and another on Ecopsychology.
He was fortunate to have been part of a broad department that included prominence in “behavioral Ecology”, a field that focuses not on how, but on why a wide variety of species behave as they do, especially in social behavior (including humans). He loves wandering and integrating across basically any topic in biology, as well as celebrating our place in a virtually unfathomable biosphere and universe. He has enjoyed living 20+ years in one of the largest “Ecovillages” in the world: Ecovillage at Ithaca, NY. Since retiring he has guest lectured on Ecopsychology/EcoSpirituality. EcoSpirituality to him pertains to collective/community mental/spiritual wellbeing. He is actively engaged in promoting the idea that to bring change to our environmentally destructive life style we have to profoundly alter our behavior in celebration of this incredible biosphere. He is generating a community website for sharing relevant views expressed in any form, as well as a traveling bus serving as a center for exploring this topic, and any topic in biology. Learn more at his site (in early stages) Https://BeingEarth.one. His motto is “There is nothing unnatural about us”!